Thursday, February 2, 2012

a new use for old colouring books, Valentines activity and yep she's SOLD!

While packing things up this week we also are sorting everything in the house and have come up with a neat idea to reuse a favourite colouring book that all the pages are coloured in. Both my girls love dot to dots so this is what we came up with to extend the life of a favourite book (as when I suggested tossing them in the recycle bin I was faced with very teary eyed girls).

This is simple to to do just take a sheet of white paper and lay it ontop of the desired page. Draw dots along the main outline of the picture, draw in the features, then the kids can do the dot to dot and then colour the picture again :) Brilliant if I don't say so myself! A great pre-writing activity to practice fine motor skills too!

We've started making some Valentines this week as I am sure the 14th will sneak up on us quickly. While packing I came across this book...Things to Make and Do for Valentines Day by Tomie de Paola published in 1976.
I remember as a child making all kinds of Valentines out of heart shapes so when I found this printable (can be download from HERE)
 it reminded me of those heart creations from my childhood. I showed Sierra and she was all for making some for her friends at school. Her and Aayla both made 2 each tonight...these might end up being teacher gifts as they might get bored of them before they make 20 each! But so far they are looking pretty cute :)

And yes seven (7) hours after our first showing we had an accepted offer and all subjects were removed tonight so our house is

SOLD! It's dark and late here now so no picture of the gorgeous four letter word on our sign but it's done! I am happy to not have to try to keep the house immaculate for showings...we can concentrate now on selling off the furniture and preparing for our move to Ontario.

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