Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's official...

We've been very busy getting the house ready to sell and now it's official! Our house is finally for sale!
We've been busy cleaning, and selling off stuff, and organizing the house in preparation to sell. You can see my post about about our preparations HERE.

We've been so busy here that we have let Chinese New Year pass us by but as Valentines Day approaches we will have a few things to share...until then I've a few walls to wash but can barely wait to get back to crafting with my kiddos. They've been so patient as we do SO much prep work!

I find it amazing just how quickly "stuff" accumulates. Have you seen the video for the "Story of Stuff"?
It's quite interesting.

With packing, and thinning out and selling off you realize just how much "stuff" we have...I am sooOOooo looking forward to building our Earthship and living a simpler life...full of love, happiness, wonder, creativity, imaginations, nature...and way less "STUFF"!

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