Monday, October 3, 2011

A Fall walk at Tynehead Park

Today the rain held off so we headed out for a walk to enjoy a nice fall day with Grammy Sue, Sissy Meadow and Andrew.
Meadow, Aayla and Me
I have walked this park many times but have never ventured down to the fish hatchery so today was the day to do it. There aren't any fish there right now but there were baby fish in the ponds. Above the ponds were layers of CD's for the musical enjoyment of the really it's to scare away the birds from dropping in and eating them :)

While looking at the baby fish there was a gentlemen who came out and fed the fish with the girls

 and then offered to take us inside and show us the hatchery. Since there are no fish in the hatchery we got to see a freezer full of different Salmon specimens.

And also got to see jars of fish eggs and baby fish samples.
Andrew showing us the samples

After thanking the man we went down to the river to see if we could see any fish and we did. There were about 5 in total.

Then we headed out trying to find a geocache but it was in the middle of some overgrown blackberry bushes and after Sierra stepped on some prickles we had to give up on it.

Sierra showing Andrew some mushrooms she found

Meadow and Andrew looking for a geo cache

Aayla and Grammy Sue

So we continued on our walk. We have very few trees that change colours and loose their leaves so our forests are still so green.

Aayla and Sissy Meadow

Playing in an old tree trunk

Look! Can you see what Aayla found

She is so proud of her find was a big banana slug

 Incase you didn't notice I stop to take pictures of every mushroom which slows us down sometimes. At one point we got way behind and Aayla walked the whole way saying "Gammy" and then when we hit the boardwalk she began to run until she found her and was so happy. I think she thought they left without us.

Sierra decided she'd had enough pictures taken today

a little chicka...dee...dee...deee

Looking for gnomes but no one was home...they were out gathering food.

I HEART wonderful fall walks
 Meadow and Andrew got a work out with swining the girls up and up over and over again


 And at the end of our walk I found a 4 and 5 leaf clover patch.

Some how the rain held off and Ian's plan to stay at home and get some painting done paid off and he painted some of the trim on the house. Little by little it's being transformed :) It's looking good babe! Soon that blue trim will be gone and replaced with a nice chocolate Brown. Bye bye Blue and grey!!!

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