Saturday, October 1, 2011

Play-Doh App

As a treat some days Sierra likes to choose new Apps to download on our IPhones. At first when she asked to download Play-Doh Play-Dates on my phone I thought it would be one of those apps you download, look at and delete.

But I was pleasantly surprised that although this App makes playing with Play-Doh become a product art instead of  process art; it saved me on a busy afternoon. Instead of being asked to help make a ladybug...Sierra opened the App and followed the steps to make it herself as well as a bee all by herself; while allowing me time needed to finish what I was doing. :)

Sierra's lady bug

Following the directions on the App to make a bee

Adding the antenna. (YES those are cracks on my IPhone screen in numerous places
from being dragged around Disney World this summer in a bag. Although it
isn't very pretty looking it still works so I can't bring myself to pay for a new phone!)

Admiring her handiwork
(Normally we would make playdough at home ourselves but we had left over Play-Doh from our trip this summer and for some reason when the girls get this store bought Play-Doh they think it is a real treat!)

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