Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A fairy for Sierra

I have to just show a sneak peek of what I ordered (click here) from Fig & me for Sierra for her 3rd birthday in June. I know June is awhile away but when I saw her previously sold fairy I knew I had to have one for her. Sierra has been having so much fun searching for fairies on our walks.

I wasn't in a hurry as we had time but this little beauty is almost ready already! Now I just have to decide which to get Aayla for her birthday in October! I love the Viking but is that fitting for a little girl?

I chose the fairy because Sierra has been enjoying searching for fairies on our walks. Mom bought us this book to share for Easter as Sierra is too young to read it by herself, and really it's me who loves the fairies! But when she saw this page

she was so excited as she told me "look mommy it's the house for lots of fairies we saw!" as pictured below and posted on this blog entry.
I have to hand it to her, they do look very similar :)

Hope you have a magical day filled with love and some good old imaginative fun! Maybe if your really lucky you'll find a fairy home too!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful gift! Great idea. It's always fun finding fairy homes, too! :)


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