Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Week 5 Nature Scavenger Hunt for Families and my week 3 and 4 photos

A little late...
This week we will be exploring Patterns in Nature.

Here are this weeks challenges:

There will be 10 points awarded for the first picture and 2 additional points per picture added to the corresponding photos comments up to a maximum of 5 bonus pictures...how many can you find of each? Remember you are looking for natural items found in nature.

July 27th something with dots and spots 10 points

July 28th something with stripes 10 points

July 29th a spiral 10 points

July 30th something with a crackle effect 10 points

July 31st a heart shape 10 points

Aug 1st something camouflaged 10 points

Aug 2nd something with a wavy pattern 10 points.

Week 5 bonus: Make a mandala design land art (google it if you are unsure) from found natural items 100 points. Happy Hunting!

My photos:

Week 3

July 13th: 
Sunbathing turtle. We found a painted turtle but he is so small and so far away that you can barely see him. I really need to get my camera fixed as my phone just doesn't cut it for these shots.

July 14th: 
Beaver Dam or lodge 
Beaver Lodge in River Bank

Way off beaver lodge in pond

Beaver damn (this was taken during week 4 not 3 but I added it in)

July 15th: 
Flowering pond plant (more points if not a water lily)
Swamp loosestrife

July 16th: 
Reflections on the pond

July 17th: 
Canoe on the pond
somebody enjoying a canoe ride

July 18th: 
Water Fowl

July 19th: 
Week 3 BONUS: Make a handmade net...we failed on this...and didn't even have time to try it

Week 4

July 20th: 
At least one member in front of the Provincial, National or State Park ... a really bad picture as we were leaving the park but I remembered last minute and the girls didn't want anything to do with getting back out of the truck.

July 21st: 
A natural animal home in the park
Chipmunk home...couldn't catch him in it but we saw them coming and going

July 22nd: 
Watch for wildlife (see chipmunk above)
American Toad

wild turkeys

Green frog

Female mallard duck

moth...not sure what kind


I also saw a bear while camping but was unable to get a picture. Those of you that know me...know how sad that makes me.

July 23rd: 
Search for items you think an animal might eat... we found blueberries and not only did my wild animals love them but when we saw the bear, he was munching on some blueberries too.

July 24th: 
Moss or Lichen
Love the red fungi against the green moss
July 25th: 

July 26th: 
Search for signs of wildlife...a beaver damn is a sure sign of wildlife but mr beaver was no where to be seen
WEEK Four Bonus: Take a nature journal (or even just some paper), markers, coloured pencils or paint with you on your walk. Near the end of your walk find a place to stop and draw as many species of plants or animals that you saw, in your journal. Post a picture of your journal page. 

My girls were too busy playing with their friends who joined us camping to sit still and draw but I enjoyed breaking out the colour pencils to remember all the different flora I saw in Algonquin park.

And the summer bonus picture of our camp site at Algonquin Provincial Park
A busy busy couple of weeks for us...now off to find our patterns in nature for week 5.

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