Monday, June 30, 2014

Week 1 of the Nature Scavenger Hunt for Families...

It's time for our Nature Scavenger Hunt for Families to begin! Week 1 ahead!

If you haven't signed up yet you can do so by joining the Nature Scavenger Hunt for Families Facebook Group. Anyone can join during the first week. Next Sunday (when I send out the second week's tasks for the hunt) will be the end of new members joining in and I will change the group status to closed.

This nature scavenger hunt is meant to get you and your family out in nature this summer so natural photos are a must for maximum points.

You are welcome to participate just for fun or you can join in for the competitive points side of the hunt but I am hoping your main reason for joining is to bond together as a family while exploring and learning about the wonderful natural world all around us. Each week will focus on a theme in nature.

Since this week marks the first week of summer vacation here in Canada we are starting out with Beach related hunts because what better way to start the summer is there then a trip to the beach. Depending on where you live it could be a sandy beach, or a rocky beach, an ocean, a lake, or a river side beach...the choice is yours. Go to a favourite beach or a new beach or both. Better yet; travel to a different beach everyday!

If time doesn't permit you to travel to a beach everyday you are welcome to take all your photos on one day... however again I recommend you spending a couple days at least exploring the beaches nearby. Take a beach or shell field guide with you for extra learning fun.

Remember you can do each task on individual days or all at once (depending on how much time in nature your family can commit to) just as long as the photos are uploaded to the Nature Scavenger Hunt for Families Facebook Group before the following Sunday each week. So for example all the photos from week one must be uploaded by July 5th.

***This week there will be 5 bonus points per picture if you name the beach you are at and which province or state it is located in, in the photo description when uploaded to the group***

1) June 30th: A family portrait of who is participating in this hunt 25 points (5 bonus points if it's a beach photo)
2) July 1st: (Canada Day Holiday) Maple leaf 5 points (5 bonus points if you have a real Maple leaf in a beach photo)
3) July 2nd: A picture of a beach 5 points (don't forget to share with us the name of the beach and province or state it is located in for 5 bonus points)
4) July 3rd: A shell in it's natural surroundings 5 points (identify it for 5 bonus points)
5) July 4th: (Independance Day Holiday USA) Sunrise or sunset 5 points (5 bonus points for colourful representation of natures fireworks in celebration of the holidays)
6) July 5th: An interesting rock or rock formation at the beach 5 points (5 bonus points if you tell me why you think it is interesting)

Week 1 BONUS'S for extra points:
Show us how you celebrated either Canada Day or Independence Day outside in Nature 25 points

Don't worry if you miss a day's points or don't achieve all the bonus points as there are many, many more tasks in the coming weeks to make up points.

I want to also share with you now some extra activities to gain points throughout the summer. These extra bonus's are meant to get you thinking and participating in outdoor activities throughout your summer.

The following may be uploaded at any time during the 9 week period:
EXTRA bonus 1: A family portrait with a waterfall 25 points
EXTRA bonus 2: Discover a cave 50 points
EXTRA bonus 3: Make art with natures bounty 25 points
EXTRA bonus 4: Go camping... show us your favourite experience while camping 25 points
EXTRA bonus 5: Explore a hiking trail and share with us some of the wonderful natural things you saw while hiking 50 points
EXTRA bonus 6: Use natural items (rocks, sticks etc) to spell the word for how being in nature makes you feel 25 points
EXTRA bonus 7: A family portrait at either a National Park or a Provincial or State park. Let me know at least one thing you learned while at this park  100 points.

Does this all sound confusing? Trust me it sounds a bit confusing to me too but I promise to tally up everyone's point totals weekly so you know where you stand in the ratings. This is the first time I have set something up like this so if I have been unclear or you have any questions at all please feel free send me a message through the facebook group and I will try to answer your questions more clearly.

IMPORTANT!!!! Remember to add the hashtag #2014naturehunt to the photo description of EACH picture as you upload it to the Nature Scavenger Hunt Facebook group so I can easily keep track of each submission and award your points accordingly. Please also describe your photo. For example your entry for July 3rd should have a description like this:

A shell (type of shell) at (name of beach) in (name Province or State) #2014naturehunt 

You will get 5 points for saying the type of shell, 5 bonus points if you show the shell at the beach you found it at and 5 points for naming the beach and where it is located for 15 points total

Ready? Set? GO!!! Have fun exploring, discovering and learning about our wonderful world together as a family. I can't wait to see all your photos...Oh and random bonus points might be awarded for creativity.

PS a small prize for my token of appreciation for your participation will be awarded to the family with the highest points. Remember...if you miss points one week there will be ample weeks available to catch up in the points department. Some tasks will be easier then others and points will be awarded accordingly. Now get out there and start exploring, learning and having fun snapping pictures and making memories.

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