Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Mother's Day Weekend

I had a wonderful Mother's day weekend with my girls and I hope you had a wonderful weekend too!

On Saturday Meadow, Sierra, Aayla, Loki and I went for a walk in Barrie. It started out as a simple walk to Tim Hortons for lunch we were to eat at a park but it turned into an over 3 hour walk meandering through many side streets of Barrie, Ontario. We definitely took the long way to get to Tim Hortons from Meadows house but we had such a great time enjoying the natural beauty to be found along a city walk.

This patch of violets was growing wild in the grass between the side walk and the road.

 This Goldfinch was the first I've seen this year. A bit high in the tree for my iPhone camera but if you look closely you can see him.

After we made it to Tim Hortons we grabbed our lunch to go and headed out looking for a patch of grass to sit and eat. We stumbled upon a large grassy field area which also had a playground where we had our lunch.

After lunch the girls ran around the grassy field with Loki. Whirling, twirling like the wind.

They played on the playground a bit and then we started walking towards Meadows again. It wasn't long before we found another park and stopped for another play session.

We played on the swings together.

We played on the slide together.

Aayla completed the money bars many times while Sierra and someone she met at the park ran around trying to catch a butterfly.
Then it was time to continue on. Next we came to another field which had a little stream running along one edge of the field. It was really a beautiful, little hidden gem. One we have driven by many times and never noticed it. It so interesting how a different perspective sometimes can open your eyes to new things.

There were many dandelions in the field too which Aayla loved picking.

Finally we made it to the third park of our walk (the only one we knew about before this walk). A familiar park near Meadows which we have gone to many times. Here the girls played for a bit and met two little girls who loved Loki. They spent most of the time here at this park with them and I didn't get any pictures as by this time Meadow and I were happy to sit on the bench and just chat.

We left here and found that patch of  wild violets again and I asked the girls if they would lie down with me and get a picture of us all together in the violets. They all thought I was crazy, "but mom there are people watching us",  "Seriously",  "I'll do it only cause it's Mother's day tomorrow"...they were great sports, or at least they tried to be. The pictures were all pretty horrible as no one really wanted to participate but we laughed so hard after it was over and done.
That night we had a big camp fire which I sat beside editing the days photos.

This morning we put the docks in.
And then Meadow and Andrew came over. We had another cam pfire and went for a walk to the beach. Sierra got invited to a friends house so she didn't come with us but our neighbour did.

The girls took off their shoes and their plan was to only get their feet wet as the wind was cool.

But of course it didn't take Aayla long before she wanted to take off her dress and head in. Her plan the whole time was to go swimming so she wore her bathing suit and swim she did.

 Aayla loved jumping the mini waves...

Almost as much as Loki loved her first time at the lake; her first time retrieving sticks from water.

 Then home it was for pizza dinner as Ian was flying this afternoon and he did his very first landings today. You can check out his learning to fly blog HERE if you are interested. Today's video won't be up until tomorrow though as the process to upload the videos is very time consuming.

I had a wonderful weekend and was sad we had to leave my mom voice messages as she wasn't home. I hope you were out enjoying your weekend mom. I love you and we will talk soon.

Hopefully all you mom's, grand mothers, foster mom's, adoptive mom's,  and everyone else who is important to a childs life enjoyed a beautiful weekend! Sending you a big virtual hug for all you do each and every day.

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