Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Exploring a very small piece of the Bruce Trail

This afternoon we headed out for a family walk up on top of Blue Mountain near Collingwood. We had no idea where we were going or what we would find but we headed up the mountain looking for a place to stop and explore. We got lucky and found a wonderful little spot.

The road we chose to turn on said it was a dead end. We half thought we would end up in someone's driveway but instead we ended up at this sign stating the Bruce Trail was this way.

We jumped out of the truck and followed the sign which took us to the bottom of a ravine and a wonderful little creek area.

Our neighbour Kodey came with us too
Dresses and rain boots equals hiking attire...right?

 The Yellow Marsh Marigold was beautiful and bright.

The sun shone through the trees and it was a beautiful little area but the black flies were bad. Just as we decided to hit the trail and go for a bit of a walk instead I found this family of Jack-in-the-Pulpits.

We headed up the trail for a bit...but the flies followed us so we didn't walk too far.

We found more Wild Ginger and this time I got a better picture of the flower. When I saw the leaves I asked Sierra if she could show everyone where we learned the flowers hide and she found some blooms in no time.
The Violets and wild Strawberries were plentiful.

Normally on walks we try to leave the flowers be. Today we picked a few dandelions and 1 violet each as the violets were plentiful and in full bloom.
Sierra casting a spell on me with her wand
An unusual looking fungi

A couple of snails Sierra somehow spotted in this apple tree
The leaves are all popping out on the trees.
Blooms about to open on this apple tree
New maple leaves
Flower buds are appearing on the dogwood
Beech tree leaves emerging
Red Baneberry (I think) berries are poisonous
Not sure what this one is...any ideas???

Early Meadow Rue
We headed back into the stream for a bit before leaving. The bugs were really bad so Sierra and Kodey only stayed a few minutes then headed to the truck with Ian to seek refuge from the black flies.
 Before leaving all the girls got to pick one Marsh Marigold. They are poisonous so please do watch to make sure your children do not try to eat them.

 Aayla enjoyed racing hers down the river...it got carried away with the little currant so shhhh...don't tell I let her pick a second one when the others left.


 I found a few more Trilliums...

 Then we said good bye to the flowers, the black flies and the water striders and headed back up the trail to the truck.
 Next time we come we are going to explore up river...and maybe those apple blossoms will be in full bloom.

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