Monday, May 26, 2014

Another Springwater Park Homeschool Play Day

This morning was our second time meeting at Springwater Provincial Park with our Un/Homeschool Club of Barrie and Surrounding Areas. We had so much fun the first trip and this get together we had more friends and more fun!

As always we end up near the water. This time we explored mainly around a small little water fall close to the main playground. When I say explore I mean...we get right in and enjoy it! Here the kids are having boat races with their shoes down the little waterfall.

There are many more flowers in bloom this time then our last visit; two weeks really does change the scenery.

Forget Me Nots

 There were lots of dandelions and some that went to seed already...perfect for blowing...

This time we stayed mainly by a tiny waterfall close to the main playground.

 The boots couldn't stay on too long...


We did play a little bit at the park today.


 Then we headed over to the other waterfall area. However today they didn't stop to play here (just as well as we saw what might be poison ivy this time) instead they headed to the playground on the other side of the pond.

Some of the kids had a great time investigating this old tree stump, while the others played on the swings.

Good luck trying to get all three of them looking forward at the same time.

Then I wandered off to take a picture of some lilacs.
Soon after I had a little tug on my shirt asking me to hold a beautiful bouquet of dandelions.
As he wanted to take his own pictures of the lilacs.

When everyone was hungry we headed back by the playground for lunch and on the way saw this hollowed out tree. I'm not sure if it was a nest of sorts or not.

 Love these pink Forget me Nots.
While eating I saw this bird up in a tree. At first I thought it was a Raven but after it flew to the ground we saw it was just a very big crow.
After lunch Aayla was straight back into the water.

 Happily dancing away in the sunshine and enjoying the little stream.
Another beautiful play date enjoyed by us all.

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