Monday, April 21, 2014

Hoping you had hoppy Easter weekend

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend.

We celebrated with our towns annual egg hunt on Saturday. As you can see we still have a fair amount of snow in certain places.

Searching everywhere for one of the three special golden eggs.
 Rechecking the spot someone found the golden egg in last year.
 In the end we didn't find the golden egg but did find some eggs which were traded in for a surprise bag with an egg dye kit and some local business coupons. The ice cream one is always our favourite :)
 Aayla enjoyed the petting zoo and pony rides while Sierra went back and continued to look for the last golden egg with dad.

Before leaving we went inside to see what activities were but it was so crowded and the line ups were so long that the girls only wanted to go on the bouncy house once and we left. Sierra really wanted to buy the large purple basket in this pic below which led to some wonderful learning about the silent auction process. She wanted to bid on it but when she saw how high the bids were she changed her mind.

Meadow and Andrew came over and the girls had a blast playing with Loki.

Ian and I had some time to go shopping and run a few errands by ourselves plus enjoy dinner out together...Thank you again Meadow and Andrew!!! Ian bought a GoPro camera as he is finally going to pursue one of his life long dreams and start flight school this week. It is something he has wanted to do since before we met 16 years ago and the camera will be a great learning tool for him while flying. He has even started his own blog about his journey HERE.
We had a camp fire with our neighbours but they seemed to be a little confused about which holiday was this weekend...
 It was so nice having Andrew and Meadow visit with us and stay over for Easter morning.
Enjoying the campfire
We had a visit from the Easter bunny with an egg hunt inside with baskets of treats and lots of little pet shops. They liked the pet shops in their baskets so much they almost forgot there was an egg hunt to be had!

Finally they realized there were eggs to be found and the egg hunt began...
Sierra thought it was hilarious that the Easter bunny put an egg in with the onions in my owl jar.
Aayla counting her eggs as she adds them to her basket.

As well there was an egg hunt outside which is always a favourite!

In Andrew's exhaust pipe!
Eggs in shovels
Eggs in the trampoline
Eggs in trees
Camouflaged eggs
Eggs over flowing the baskets

Eggs on cars
eggs hiding wayyyy up high
Sometimes you needed to jump to shake the eggs loose

 Lots of eggs full of treats and chocolate that we needed to keep away from Loki. furry grandbaby
Surprised to find peanut butter eggs!

We also celebrated Ian's 35th birthday. The girls made cupcakes and decorated them like eggs in a nest since his birthday and Easter Sunday fell on the same day this year.

The girls made him a painting with two planes on it that reads, "Dad you are just PLANE Awesome" since he is starting flight school this week!

So we had a busy, bright, beautiful fun filled weekend and hope you did too. Now we are left with lots of chocolate eggs to eat the rest of the week and are hoping we get a few warm sunny days like today so we can burn off all those chocolates!

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