Friday, April 4, 2014

Got Plastic Eggs? Try these fun ideas.

WoW! Lets just say when I started this Got Plastic Eggs, Try these crafty ideas post I had no idea there would be so many plastic egg ideas out there. I found a few different collection other people have done too but have really tried to find unique ideas or ones that I didn't notice being published in every plastic egg collection. I hope you fine some of these ideas useful as I think some of them are supper fun!!!

As usual with every Got Series post, just click on the picture to go straight to the source of the picture and the DIY to try.

Pipe cleaner ear bunny eggs...the cotton tail is too cute

Make cupcakes

Make Easter Chicks

Make teacups for a special tea party

Make Egg-Animals (and egg monsters and Minions)

Abstract and gold leaf eggs

Easter egg rings

Plastic Egg Creations

Make fire flies

Yarn bunnies...could make chicks too

Egg garland

Use them as snack containers

This is a fun way to turn clear eggs into pretty colours and learn about colour mixing

Make realistic robins eggs

Lorax egg and trees

Use the eggs to shape Rice Krispie egg snack

Make spiders for Halloween or as a bug craft

or other bugs

I love these flowers made with plastic eggs

Make a secret message necklace

Send them in the mail full of sweet treats for a loved one far away

Washi Tape eggs

Doodle on plastic eggs

Have a glow in the dark Easter Egg hunt

Matching coloured chicks to their coloured egg game

Make bugs from your eggs
Make eggsicles

Make wobbly egg friends

Use the eggs to contain hints for a scavenger hunt. We used these ones for a starwberry themed party

Make Maracas

Matryoshka nesting eggs!!!

How about a string of Easter egg lights

Easter action figures (has a neat milkjug basket that uses eggs too)

Save some eggs for the fall and make turkeys

Bejewel them with gem stones

Ohhh make a microphone and stand

Make a Marionette

Make a Faux-Berge egg

Make wet felted eggs using plastic eggs as the base form

Make a fairy ring of mushrooms

Make a paddle ball catch game (a bit down the post)

Make egg bumble bees

Try making an Easter egg wind chime

Or a nest full of blue birds

Paint with half eggs

Make plastic egg jockeys...or any people would be fun in the block or sand area

Here are 15 simple games you can play with plastic eggs.

And if you are still looking for are 50+ activities for Math, Science, language, games and much more that use plastic eggs. I didn't check out a lot of the ideas so I hope there aren't too many duplicates for the crafts. I liked this post though because it gave lots of other learning areas other than art to use plastic eggs for.

So do you Got Plastic Eggs? If you do what are you going to make? Remember to check back every Friday to see the  newest Got? Series post.


  1. So many ideas for plastic eggs! I love them and I'll definitely try some!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Maro's kindergarten! I hope you do try some... Enjoy!


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