Tuesday, April 1, 2014

DIY Easter Chicks Diorama in Mason Jars

Spring is finally starting to appear...snow is melting as the sun tries to shine. With the warm sun comes thoughts of Easter and bright and cheerful decorating ideas.

Today we made Easter Chick Diorama's in Mason Jars. The idea was inspired by THESE but we changed them to make with items we had on hand.

As a note before you start...this craft is doable with younger children but they will need a fair amount of help as it requires a lot of glue gun use. Sierra at 7 1/2 was able to do hers mainly by herself but the younger girls needed a lot of help.

To make yours you will need:
-Mason jars with complete lids (you can also reuse any glass so long as it has a lid)
-Yellow/orange pipe cleaners
-Two sizes of yellow pom poms (small & medium)
-Googly eyes (small)
-Green tissue paper squares
-Flowers (we used fake flowers so our dioramas can be saved for years to come)
-Ribbon (and scissors to cut it)
-Glue (tacky glue is pictured but a glue gun works MUCH better)

You also need some fallen twigs which I forgot to put in the picture.

To make:

1) Take a clump of playdough and press it into the underside of the Mason Jar lid as pictured. Be careful not to let the playdough touch the rubber rim or the jar will not close properly in the end.
2) Take your twig and press it into the centre of your playdough clump. Make sure that the twig is short enough to not interfere with the jar when you screw the lid on at the end. If any of the branches are too long just snip them off with your fingers or a pair of scissors.
3) Using a glue gun, glue a selection of flowers directly onto the twig.

4) Next take a square of tissue paper and wrap it around the end of a pencil. Poke the tissue paper into the playdough to resemble grass growing.
5) Make a little chick from Pom poms and pipe cleaners. Glue a small pom pom to a medium pom pom to be the head and body of your chick. Next using the picture below as a guide, shape and cut an orange pipe cleaner into feet and a beak. Also use the yellow pipe cleaner to make two wings. Glue these and two googly eyes onto the pom pom chick body shape.

6) Glue your chick to the grass at the base of your tree.

7) Carefully slip the jar over your tree base ensuring you do not break your tree branches.
8) Screw the lid to the jar and decorate the lid with some ribbon. You can tie it on in a bow or glue it on as we did.
Voila! A super sweet little decoration for Easter.


  1. These are very cute! I don't mind that kids need adult help to make them because I am a "helicopter grandma!" Thanks for a great, usable idea!

    1. Thank you and thanks for stopping by! Happy to hear you like the idea :)

  2. Such a cute way to reuse Mason jars! I'll be sharing this on The Crafty Crow soon :)

    1. Awww Thank you so much Cassi. I'm so excited to check out the idea on your blog! :) grinning from ear to ear here!


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