Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Warming up with homemade cookies cause baby it's cold outside!

It has been so cold the past few days and I mean cold... -21 with winchild factors making a feels like temperature of close to -40. The neighbourhood kids have been happy as even the schools have closed due to the windchill temperatures. Through all this cold it just keeps snowing and snowing and snowing some more.

On a drive to Barrie for an appointment the sun was shining and made for a few pretty pics (which had to be taken from the car because it's too cold outside).
 Does anyone know the story behind the shoetrees? There are 3 that I know of in Ontario but have no idea how or why they exist.
 I used this one for my Project 365.6
365.6 Snowy Trails
Sierra wanted to make cookies with the left over M&M's from our gingerbread house so that is what we did. It was a new recipe which you can find HERE and boy were they good! Dangerously yummy. But they are made with oatmeal so they are healthy right? It's OK to eat six in one sitting right? cause they're healthy :)

We got 2 1/2 dozen wonderfully delicious rainbow cookies!
 Still having fun playing with my new collage app.
Watch out girls you might get a ticket with your crazy driving....must be a sugar rush from all those cookies :)
Along with the forest trail pic above today here is the one taken yesterday for project 365.

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