Thursday, January 23, 2014

Valentine Butterflies and Little Love bugs for Valentines

In the past we have made these Valentine butterflies out of paper (pattern and original directions can be found HERE). I wanted to try something a little bit different this year so we made them with fun foam (This activity quickly morphed into making Lovebugs).

I'll start with our Valentines Butterfly DIY and add the Pom Pom and cork Lovebugs to the end of the post.

Here's how we made our Valentine Butterflies:

1) Gather all your supplies.
You will need:
-popcycle sticks and tongue depressors (coloured or plain)
-fun foam sheets in pink, red, and white or cut out foam hearts
-pipe cleaners
-googly eyes
-markers (we used Sharpie brush tip markers and love them)
-scissors, glue
-magnets are optional 

2) Trace or draw a pair of big heart shapes onto the fun foam and cut them out.
3) Repeat with a pair of medium size hearts and a pair of small sized hearts or use pre-cut fun foam heart shapes (from the dollar store) for these. Make sure each size heart is a different colour so the colours pop.

4) Glue the hearts to the back of a tongue depressor or a pop cycle stick (we used a hot glue gun carefully so the glue would dry faster). We used a tongue depressor for our large butterfly and a popcycle stick for the smaller ones.

5) Optional: colour the tongue depressor body (our popcycle sticks were already coloured) and draw designs on the wings.

6) Glue on googly eyes and pipe cleaner antennas. Optional: Attach a magnet to the back.
7) Voila beautiful Valentine Butterflies ready to fly away and deliver love and happiness to a friend.

I saw THESE cork butterflies the other day so I ran and got my stash of corks so we could try them.

Here is how ours turned out... the creating evolved so quickly I didn't get DIY pictures of the process but they are pretty straightforward and if you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments and I will get back to you.
Sierra designed this mouse herself
Sierra had a great idea of attaching a ponytail to the back with hot glue to make a Bee-utiful Valentines ponytail.

Aayla loved the ponytail Sierra made and modeled it for us. When she took it off she was quite sad she couldn't keep it. Sierra quickly asked for some bags and she wrapped it up for Aayla for Valentines day...and wrapped the rest for other family members and friends. Such a giving little girls she is.

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