Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thrift store treasures

I don't know about you but we LOVE going to thrift stores. Not only do we love treasure hunting we love scoring great deals!

Sometimes we go to Goodwill or Salvation Army but today we were in Barrie and went to Value Village and found some new favouirtes for the girls. Sierra got new winter boots, a new winter coat, and two pairs of jeans. Ones that feel comfortable for her and won't irritate her hopefully. For an extra treat she put back the toy she wanted to get this red dress.
It is 2 sizes too big and it's hard to tell from the photo but it a very fancy, very unpractical, very weather inappropriate big ball of awesome redness and she adores it for only $5.99!

Aayla fell in love with this fedora and pair of pink shoes (in her hands in picture). She played in the dressing room with them for about 20 minutes as Sierra tried on all her jeans.
The hat was kind of expensive for $7.99 because it's from Gymboree but the shoes were a steal at $2.99.

Here she is at home in her jammies modelling both.
After returning home I received an email from Value Village Super Savers Club that Monday Jan 13th is half off for club members only! Are you a club member? If not and you like thrift stores joining the club is FREE! When I joined I received a 25% off my order coupon and receive regular emails from them for upcoming sale dates. We are happy with what we bought today but now have an excuse to go back again on Monday! The store was jammed packed with all kinds of goodies...I guess from everyone cleaning out for the new year. We are constantly working on our own donation boxes but it seems we always collect more stuff!

Have you ever seen the Story of Stuff movie? Go take a look it's pretty interesting 20 minute movie of where "stuff" comes from and where it "goes" when we are finished with it. They also have a couple other on the Story of Solutions...and both are worth the watch.

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