Saturday, January 11, 2014

Snowman bowling with recyclables

We made this activity a couple years ago. You can see our original post HERE (the link explains how we made them). It's always so fun to look back and see how the girls have both grown.

Aayla only coloured one snowmen today but Sierra had a lot of fun designing the snowmen. Aayla did however enjoy stacking them and knocking them over and over and over again!
 Sometimes you miss...and then you try again.

 Knock em down and stack em up again and again and again.
 Have fun trying new creative ways to knock them down.

Sierra gave it a few tries but at 7 1/2 years old I think she enjoyed the creative process of drawing the snowmen a lot more. The hand eye coordination and fine motor skills needed in this activity are perfect for Aayla.

I was super stoked that in the middle of December my original post was listed in a post called 17 {really fun} Snowmen Activities (we are #10 on the list) on the Kids Activity Blog . Click the link or the snowman picture below and go check out all 17 ideas!

Her blog is awesome by the way if you are unfamiliar with it. Click on the button below and go explore her blog fully.
Todays Project 365 picture:

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