Monday, January 13, 2014

More Littlest Petshops edited with the Rhonna Designs App

The weather hasn't been cooperating as much for nice outdoor photos lately but I've been having fun playing with my new Rhonna Designs in love with it. I never (well rarely) buy Apps but this $1.99 was an investment! I need to buy an iTunes card so I can but the five extra packs that are available for .99 cents each. There is alot of content with the original $1.99 purchase but I love it so much I can barely wait to buy the extra packs.

Aren't the edits just so fun? To see other photos I've created with the Rhonna Designs App check out my Instagram (my name there is siayla if you are on your phone) to see others and more being added regularly.

The Rhonna Designs App is so beautiful and very easy to use. Click on the badge below and it will take you to iTunes if you want to read more about it. Or you can read a review of it HERE  or another one HERE . If you like playing with phone photography then I highly recommend this app. When your photos are complete you have the option of saving to your phone, printing them, email, add to contact, copy or share directly to Instagram.

 This Project 365 entry contains 3 sweet little treats for my girls. I scored them off Kijiji plus 22 others today. Sierra has wanted LPS 91 forever (cream cocker spaniel) and the shorthair cats are her favourites.

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