Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The week before Christmas review

Time is flying and I can`t believe tomorrow is Christmas eve!

Every year we make home made sausage rolls...a recipe that my husbands dad would make every year when he was little. Usually we have all the family over to make them together but this year was sort of odd with everyone being sick at different times. Luckily our girls are just getting over it in time for Christmas.

The girls got invited to a friends house so they went there instead of helping with the sausage rolls as they were so excited to see them. Sierra said, "I would like to make sausage rolls but I haven't seen SiSi (another Sierra) and Dakota in a looonnngggggg time so is it OK if we go"? We couldn't possibly say no :) SiSi was in Sierras class and Dakota in Aaylas last year when they were in school and all are great friends. I even missed most of the making and bakingthis year as I ran to the store for a couple of things and it ended up taking me over 2 hours! Daddy saved a bit though so Sierra could make a few rolls herself when she got home.

Ian's brother Mark and his boys came over and stayed to play Stone Age. Click HERE for the run down on the game. We like it alot :)

 Elfie has been busy as well...

He covered our bathroom mirror in bows

then hid in the medicine cabinet
Sierra and Aayla both had fun playing with the bows.
How is that for a cheeky monkey pose!
He hid in a stocking...I guess he was letting us know Santa would soon be here.
 He had a campfire and roasted marshmallows over a candle with some friends.
 He used one of the girls wreaths as a trapeze.

and he must be getting tired as we found him sleeping in one morning.
  Elfie even took the reindeer and sleigh out for a practice run.
The girls have both been sick this week but we have been playing lots of games. Sierra is learning how to play chess with daddy.

 We have played lots of monopoly and more games of UNO then i could possibly count!
Sierra and I went to see Frozen in 3D with uncle Mark and her cousins.
The girls built all kinds of interesting sculptures with our rainbow blocks

We made home made gingerbread for our gingerbread houses tomorrow (yes Sierra wears this shirt multiple days in a row...it`s her favourite).
 Sierra loves to smell the vanilla...
 Thanks to Nana Diana we have this wonderful mixer.
Making gingerbread houses from scratch has been on my todo list for a couple years...finally we get to try tomorrow.

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