Sunday, December 8, 2013

Elfie plays some reindeer games and snowman pancakes

This morning we awoke to a mess on our couch and floor of multi coloured pompoms everywhere! And we found Elfie with a marker in hand and wearing reindeer antler... looks like he was up to no good again.

Then we looked up and saw why there were no red pom poms all over the couch and floor...Elfie glued all the red pom poms onto our pictures to be reindeer noses and drew on antlers. He turned us all into reindeer!

Silly Elfie!

Today was Aaylas turn to open our countdown to Christmas box and our activity was to have a wintery northpole breakfast and make paper we had snowman pancakes and baby banana snowmen.
A breakfast Sierra had no problem eating!

excuse the open mouth pic
These were apparently the yummiest pancakes ever! It's amazing what a dozen chocolate chips can do :) Now we are off to make our snowflakes. We have made these in the past and you can see how HERE. It's simple DIY for kids of most ages using coffee filters. Here is a pic from that post...check it out...they are super simple!

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