Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

 Santa spoiled the girls once again. All the blue presents are from Santa. Every year we cut back more and more as there is always so much STUFF and even though the tree looks full, it has all the presents under it for all of our family who will visit later in the day. We try to make a lot of our gifts too...something I wasn't the greatest at this year...there just never is enough time no matter how early I start making things.

Somehow Santa makes all the discontinued petshops that Sierra and Aayla both love so much.

 And Santa brought barbies for both the girls...something I will never buy them, but something they have found much joy in lately so I guess Santa thought I wouldn't mind if he gave them barbies.
 Santa brought Aayla a plasma car. She fell in love with one at a toystore recently and was so happy hers was pink and orange.

 While Christmas shopping Aayla wanted this pack pack so badly...and it was a huge surprise when Sierra gave it to her for Christmas.
 A vintage teaset I scored at Value Village for our little Tea making girl for $14.99 with a service for 12!

 All Sierra has talked about wanting for 2 months is a white iPod. She was a bit disappointed when Santa didn't give her one because we told her we couldn't afford to right now. We weren't going to buy her one as we planned on giving her my old 3GS that has been laying in a drawer for a couple years (after fixing the screen). It would be more than good enough for her.

On Christmas eve we decided to bite the bullet and get her an iPad mini instead since the screen is bigger and will be better for her mini petshop movies she wants to start making for YouTube. As well for playing minecraft which she really wants to start. She was super excited!!!

After opening gifts daddy made us bacon and eggs for breakfast and then got to work on the turkey for Christmas dinner. The morning was quiet at our place. It was the first ever Christmas morning with just the four of us...quiet and nice in it's own way but so weird to not have a houseful first thing. I think I like the hustle and bustle of having everyone around.
Aayla above playing with her new barbies from Santa and Sierra and daddy setting up minecraft on the new iPad mini below.

 Uncle Mark arrives with the kids and Nana Diana.

 The fort kits I put together for Charlie, Lucas and Cameron.

Sierra trying on her new boots...a Value village phat boots for $5.99! She LOVES them!
Then Sissy meadow and Andrew arrive and Aayla models a hat from them.
 Meadow is the only one I made anything for this year...but the girls made most of their gifts.

Here are some of the gifts the girls made:
bottle cap magnets

Tea wreath for Gramma/Grampy and there were tea boxes for Grammy and Nana

Everyone got painted canvases from the girls
Meadow loved this necklace I made her. She said it was her "favs"!
 A close up...
Ian with his Sicology book...should be a funny read :)

 Sierra made this necklace for Meadow
 Andrew with enough paracord to keep him busy for awhile.
 I made meadow a bunch of mustache disquises and both bracelets she is wearing.

 as well as this sugar skull pillow and Christmas ornament

And look one of me out from behind the camera with my simply amazing owl table!!!
 Meadow and I having some fun with her mustaches.
 In the afternoon for our wonderful Christmas dinner I forgot to pick up the camera once :( No pictures of the meal or of Nana or Grampy  and Gramma Bev...but we all had a wonderful meal and are thankful that you all could join us.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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