Thursday, October 3, 2013

Down on Cayra's farm there is a big brown horse...

OK the song is really about grandpas farm but I could not help myself :)

Over the past few weeks we have had a few visits to this wonderful acreage owned by another local homeschooling family.

We love to explore the farm...and visit the horses
Stroll through the fields
Play...and Imagine and more Play
Maul the kitties with lots of love
 Break time for a snack
Wander the paths
Explore the woods
Play tug of war with the puppy
Wade in the river
On the look out...
Investigating Caterpillars
Nourishing the body and soul with lunch with wonderful families
Conquering the height of the fence
Racing back to the farm
Thank you to Cayra and Tai for sharing your farm with us and allowing us to gather, explore, discover, investigate, wander, collect, examine and play in your beautiful space.

A budding photographer (the remaining photos were taken by Sierra on my phone) says good bye to the kitty.... Hand a child a camera...and watch your memory fill up quick!!! lol

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