Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sierra turns 7 with a Littlest Pet Shop Party

You might say I went a little overboard with this party but not a humongous amount of pictures to prove it.

Sierra was talking about this petshop birthday for almost a full year so there was lots of time to pull together ideas and make this an affordable birthday party even though pet shops are so pricey new.

I made the invitation by setting up a couple of her petshops, taking a photo and printing it out on regular printer paper so I could just write the details inside.
You might say I went a little overboard with this party but I don't have the usual amount of pictures to show for it.

Here Sierra is opening her presents from us on her actual birthday a few days before the party. She got a box full of pet shops and their accessories...

With a little help from Kijiji (and our friend Liz's parents who picked a large lot of pet shops up in Sarnia for me) I scored big time with an LPS jet plane Sierra wanted for Christmas last year but it was no where to be found.

Now for the party... while we waited for everyone to arrive the girls all jumped on the trampoline. It was a crazy free for all but they had so much fun as they are never allowed to have so many people jumping at one time!

Then we started our crafts. First the girls each got to alter two pets by adding nail polish and gems. Sierra has been waiting for this activity for weeks! It was a huge hit with all the girls and they were very creative with their ideas. One girl even made hers so scary she scared herself with it and screamed!!! It took a few minutes to figure out why she was so freaked out.
Sierra altering her cat
Aayla altering her piggie pet

Next it was time to make the pets their new homes. I used plastic cups hot glued to a paper plate with a doorway cut out of the cup. We also added an umbrella to the top of each house so they could have a patio on top.
Sierra and a couple friends making their pet shop houses
Masterpieces in the works
Sierra's finished house and altered pets
All the girls were so busy and concentrating so much on their projects that we spent over an hour and a half completing them! The party flew by.

There was barely enough time for presents and cake.

Daddy carries out the cake
Close up of the Oreo Ice Cream cake with 7 new pet shop pets
Ready, set, wish!
For the treat bags I made the girls all necklaces with a combination on new beads as well as vintage beads from necklaces I had been collecting for this purpose. I think they turned out so pretty.

I also made soaps for the treat bags. Each soap had either a frog, turtle, fish or dragonfly in it.
Each gift bag also included a pet they had to mane and adopt. It came with a certificate of adoption with a photo of the pet and a little write up about what their new pets likes and dislikes were. Somehow I didn't manage to get a photo of them or the gift bags all finished up. I was really bad with the picture taking unfortunately for this party.

All in all everyone seemed to have a great time and it was the most relaxing party I have held in a longggg time :)

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