Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hoping you all had a wonderful Mother's Day

After our recent family fishing trip we decided we wanted to get a boat. We searched all over craigslist. Ian wanted a fishing boat and I wanted something that would be comfortable for me and the kids. Ian has always liked Bayliner Trophy's and it was family friendly enough to please me too so we concentrated on searching for Trophys.

We were happy to find one in Pennsylvania which was only about a 9 hour drive for us each way. So we headed out on Friday and returned on Saturday with our new boat.
Ian posing with our new boat before we headed back into Canada

So on Sunday which was Mother's Day we headed out on the lake to have a beautiful day together on our new boat.

The girls of course had a blast! I can see we will have lots of fun this summer :)
Sierra loving piloting the boat

Aayla....."go fast"!!!!

Sierra laughing and having a great time

Captain Ian

Daddy and Aayla enjoying some quiet time together on the seat at the front of the boat

Aayla's turn to pilot the boat

Aayla chilling out with daddy

Me and my littlest girls enjoying a wonderful mothersday on the lake

Here's hoping you all enjoyed your Mothers day as much as I enjoyed mine :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad they all have life preservers on. You gotta protect your kids. The water at that lake looks beautiful. Nice and clean. Did you catch any fish?

    -Zane of ontario honey


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