Friday, March 30, 2012

Last days in BC...

It was a hectic time of boxes and packing and cleaning but we managed to enjoy a few days as we prepared to leave BC.

(sorry about the photos...I am playing catch up on my husbands laptop as mine is having some issues and I can't seem to get the photos to upload in the proper direction!!!)

We spent an afternoon at Bear Creek Park with Grammy Sue.

And a lovely day at the Reifel Bird sanctuary.

Said goodbye to many good friends at a farewell dinner at the Spaghetti Factory.

Then we packed up the truck, cleaned up the house and said goodbye. Funny how life throws changes into the mix. When we bought this house we thought we'd be here until the girls left the nest. We LOVE this house and will miss it dearly. We will miss many great friends and family but look forward to the next chapter of this book called life!

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