Friday, March 30, 2012

Last days in BC...

It was a hectic time of boxes and packing and cleaning but we managed to enjoy a few days as we prepared to leave BC.

(sorry about the photos...I am playing catch up on my husbands laptop as mine is having some issues and I can't seem to get the photos to upload in the proper direction!!!)

We spent an afternoon at Bear Creek Park with Grammy Sue.

And a lovely day at the Reifel Bird sanctuary.

Said goodbye to many good friends at a farewell dinner at the Spaghetti Factory.

Then we packed up the truck, cleaned up the house and said goodbye. Funny how life throws changes into the mix. When we bought this house we thought we'd be here until the girls left the nest. We LOVE this house and will miss it dearly. We will miss many great friends and family but look forward to the next chapter of this book called life!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Vintage Brooch Wedding Bouquet for dear friends

Part of our rush to move to Ontario in April is that Ian is the best man at his best friends wedding in Toronto at the end of April :) They are having a vintage inspired wedding so I offered to make them a bouquet which I just finished last night! I may do a tutorial later but for now here is a peak at how it turned out.

 Her bridesmaid dresses are red with white polka dots
so I added this red ribbon to tie them all together.

The underside with individual stems all done in green to resemble leaves
 and stems :) and to match the stems on her bridesmaid paper
and button flowers. I can't wait to see them all together!
A close up of the bee and butterfly which adorn the bouquet

Making this bouquet was a lot of fun and so was searching thrift stores for all the pins to be used to upcycle them into this bouquet :) I do hope they love it!!! 

water bead fun and kid made bracelets

You have probably noticed on other blogs how water beads are taking over sensory tables. Well if you haven't tried them yet I'd recommend giving them a try. They are quite messy when they get squished into a million pieces but that's half the fun (beware also of washing them down the drain as they expand and will clog up your drains), but if you are careful they will be a lot of fun!

I went to Michael's looking for floral wire as I am making a vintage brooch bouquet for a friends wedding in April and noticed them in the floral isle. They come in tiny packs in various colours. I chose light blue and dark blue thinking they'd resemble water (but in the end they looked very similar).

We put them in a bowl, added some water and waited about 4 hour hours for them to hydrate. 

We added them to a sensory bin with some aquatic animals and the kids had a blast for days...leaving me time to work on packing, sorting and selling. 

These were a big hit...even daddy thought they'd be fun in the bathtub but since the manufacturer recommends they stay AWAY from drains we didn't give that a try. However a mini pool full in the summer might be fun!

Since we are packing lots we are ending up with lots of empty packaging tape rolls. I LOVE how Sierra found an empty roll and created this...
beautiful bracelet all on her own :)