Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's official...

We've been very busy getting the house ready to sell and now it's official! Our house is finally for sale!
We've been busy cleaning, and selling off stuff, and organizing the house in preparation to sell. You can see my post about about our preparations HERE.

We've been so busy here that we have let Chinese New Year pass us by but as Valentines Day approaches we will have a few things to share...until then I've a few walls to wash but can barely wait to get back to crafting with my kiddos. They've been so patient as we do SO much prep work!

I find it amazing just how quickly "stuff" accumulates. Have you seen the video for the "Story of Stuff"?
It's quite interesting.

With packing, and thinning out and selling off you realize just how much "stuff" we have...I am sooOOooo looking forward to building our Earthship and living a simpler life...full of love, happiness, wonder, creativity, imaginations, nature...and way less "STUFF"!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

We wish you all a very Happy New Year! Filled with love in even the most least expected places :) Here's where we found our unexpected love this New Years eve...inside a walnut :)

We stayed home tonight and had a couple of local friends come over and two friends flew in from Toronto, for a "quiet" night at home. All the kids were having too much fun to make their new years shakers so we skipped the activity :(

We did enjoy a lovely turkey dinner again (we really enjoyed our Christmas dinner with Gordon Ramsey's help and could barely wait for New Years to do it all over again).

All the recipes for the delicious dinner we had can be found by clinking the titles below. We enjoyed Gordon Ramsey's delicious roast turkey with lemon, parsley and garlic, roast potatoes with Chili and Tumeric, and pancetta chestnut brussel sprouts (which we substituted for walnuts). It was all delicious!!! For those of you saying yuck to the brussel sprouts...give this recipe a try. I am the only one who actually likes brussel sprouts but everyone loved these and even asked for MORE!
Liz who detests brussel sprouts having seconds by request!
For desert and because it was New Years we had Strawberry Margarita jello shots in real strawberries...they were yummy! I got the idea HERE and the recipe is there too. They are a little time consuming to make but OH so good!!! Even for those who said no they didn't want any Tequila, tried them and gobbled them all up! I made two dozen and they didn't last long!

 We had some insides from the scooped out strawberries left so...

we had to make regular Margaritas...can't be waste after-all and we always jump at a chance to pull out the Vitamix ;)

Mmmmmm me and my Margarita
We had a wonderful quiet evening at home...and we hope you enjoyed your evening as well! Happy New Year everyone!