Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Woodwards windows displays and our gingerbread house

We've had a busy few days around here...celebrating a friends 60th birthday and another friends 1st birthday and lots of Christmas preparations :)

Yesterday we went to Canada Place to see the old Woodward's window displays (Please excuse the photos as some have a great deal of reflection!).

We planned on going to a couple other window display locations but Sierra wasn't in the mood.
Doesn't she look so impressed
with the window displays???
We didn't even get a reaction from her when we played I Spy for her name down town!
 Nor did she get excited about seeing the water planes take off like she usually does.
She did however like her book she found about BC Ferry vacations...and carried it everywhere while she pouted away.

From here we went to Granville Island to look for a special pair of boots for Aayla for Christmas. We have been looking everywhere for a pair in her size and we got lucky today :) Yeah!!!

Then it was time to go home to make our gingerbread house. I had high hopes of actually baking the gingerbread this year but we will have to save that one for another year! The girls had lots of fun none the less.

Aayla declares our gingerbread house is "finished"

Proud of their creation :)
Tonight we were supposed to go for a drive to see how many spectacular Christmas lights displays we could find but would you believe it...neither one of them wanted to go!!!

It's hard to believe that there are only 5 days left until Christmas! Somehow I will need to give up my new addiction to pinterest and get the rest of my gifts made...somehow...

FYI 3 nights ago Elfie didn't move and we thought he was sick still but then we found him laying down here...travelling every night must still be hard on him.

and this morning he was sleeping in the gravy boat

so he must still be recuperating!

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