Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tobogganing at Hemlock

Today we headed to Hemlock to go tobogganing.

We've never been to Hemlock before but we had a great time. It's $12 per person over the age of 5 so for us we paid $24 for our family of 4. Sierra and Aayla were both free! Hemlock also provides tubes for you so you don't need to bring a toboggan. Since it's a one time thing for us this winter we didn't need to go buy anything to go and have fun. Biggest get pulled back up the mountain.
Sierra getting pulled up the mountain

Aayla and daddy on their way up.

Sierra coming down by herself for the first time

Let's go again!!!!

Fun! The nice thing about living in British Columbia is for someone like me who doesn't really like the cold and the snow...I can go to the mountains and get a little fix of it then say goodbye and go home :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice! You can add the above hill to for others to locate and enjoy, and also check out the map for more local hills. :)


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