Sunday, December 11, 2011

Historic Stewart Farm Day 10 Countdown to Christmas

First off...let me tell you about our little Elfie this morning! He must really be missing the North Pole as he is starting to act out a little bit. This morning we awoke to find our tree covered in toilet paper!!! He was so reckless he almost knocked the star off of the top of the tree!

Elfie looks a little smug after toilet papering our tree!

Sierra was not impressed! She was quite concerned that Elfie would waste all that toilet paper and make a big mess. She did not like it on the tree and wanted to remove it right away so carefully we pulled it all of the tree making sure to not disturb Elfie as we surely didn't want him to fall and loose his magic.

When our tree was back to normal we opened our Countdown to Christmas match box which said we were going to Historic Stewart Farm. Today was their open house and admission was by donation. We arrived and took a tour through the farmhouse.

The parlor all ready for Christmas morning
Outside one of the bedrooms

 We got to have some fresh baked cookies but the apple cider wasn't quite ready and my kitchen photos didn't tun out at all.
Off to explore the barn

Then it was off to do some crafts. First the girls made gingerbread cookies.

And Christmas angels

 And even Pomander balls...daddy made one too...but they took a longggggg time!

Aayla making her pomander ball with the
remains of her cookie all over her face!

Sierra is very proud of her "pumpkin head pomander".
At one point he had legs as well as arms but they made him fall over so she took them off :)
Then we went to mom's for an early supper...she has all her decorations up too. Mom doesn't have a tree anymore as her apartment feels too crowded with one but you can always find the wonderful wreath my brother made for her one year...
A stinky sock wreath

His humorous note inside!
Ahhhh family memories of Christmas pasts :)

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