Saturday, December 3, 2011

Elfie, Winter Sensory Box but no out door fire on Day 2 of our countdown to Christmas

This morning when we awoke the first thing Sierra said to me was,

"let's go see if Elfie is in his box and if he's not, remember we can't touch him or his magic will disappear"! 

So we walked downstairs to discover that Elfie had broken out of his box during the night... Oh how exciting....where could he be?

Sierra took a quick run around the house but couldn't find him anywhere so she decided to sit down for breakfast and a few seconds later she let out a screech...she found Elfie!

He returned from his nightly visit to see Santa at the North Pole and found himself a nice little resting place on our family wreath I made a few years ago. It has been hanging for a few years and has lost a few of it's pictures :(  but the icicles must have made Elfie feel like he was back home at the North Pole.

Sierra was so excited! She almost forgot about our countdown to Christmas matchboxes...almost! Today was Aaylas turn so she opened the number 2 box, picked her sticker and shared the other.

Day 2) Winter sensory box and enjoy some hot chocolate outside by the fire.

Here is the sensory box I put together for them for today's activity.

I used a large tub so they can both have room to play together. I added some rice, some opalescent glitter flakes, some arctic animals, some fake ice cubes, cotton balls and white foam letters they can search for the letters to spell their names.

I didn't get any pictures of them playing in it this evening and we couldn't have our hot chocolate by the outside fire because I spent all day/evening running back and forth from the ER! My husband has had a reoccurring abdominal pain every few months for the past 7 years and it usually lasts an evening and is gone. This time it's lasted almost 2 weeks so after a visit to our doctor this morning she sent us to the hospital where we waited away most of the day. I ran back and forth to pick up Sierra from school, then later again to get Aayla from daycare, fed the girls, got them to bed and back to the hospital I went. Thankfully Nana is visiting and could stay with them tonight as we just got home at 11:50pm!

So the girls enjoyed the winter sensory box without me, and we didn't have our fire but we do get to get up at 6:00am to go back to the hospital for an ultrasound! At least something came of our day in the ER.

Now I'm off to bed or Elfie won't have enough time to get to the North Pole and back again before we wake up :)

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