Friday, November 11, 2011

Felt Poppy Tutorial and Fall Fun

Tomorrow is Remembrance Day here in Canada and Veterans Day in the United States. Poppies have become a symbol of remembrance for those who gave their lives for our freedoms. How many Poppies have you purchased over the years to have them fall off and need to be replaced? We've lost many so this year I decided to make our own poppies.

All you need to make your own poppies is:
-red felt
-needle, thread, scissors
-black button
-petal pattern shape

1) Draw a petal shape or use my pattern piece in the next photo and cut out 4 petals from red felt. The pattern is approx. 1 1/2'tall by 1 3/4' wide.
2) Take each petal and sew the bottom together to form the shape of each petal.
3) Sew all four petals together at the centre of the flower. It doesn't matter if this stage is messy as it will be covered up with the button in stage 4.
4) Sew on a black button to the centre of the flower.
5) Turn your poppy over and sew on a safety pin.
6) Place on your lapel.

These would make a cute gift with this little poem printed on it:

I'll wear a little poppy,
As red as red can be,
To show that I remember
Those who fought for me.

I made 6 tonight very quickly so we all have one to wear tomorrow.

Today we took advantage of the warm afternoon air and had some fun playing in our leaves which are finally starting to fall off our trees. Fall is probably my favourite season. I love all the colours as the leaves change colours.

Here's how we enjoyed our leaves today:
Having Sierra loose her poppy in our leaves today prompted my evening
crafting of making family poppies that will stay on.


Daddy shaking more leaves off the tree :)

 How have you enjoyed your leaves today?

1 comment:

  1. Those poppies are gorgeous and they look totally do-able!

    Also, LOVE the pictures of your girls in the leaves. One of my favorite sounds is leaves crunching under my feet :)


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