Saturday, November 19, 2011

Color Me Mine Langley BC

Today was the Grand Opening of "Color Me Mine" Langley. If you haven't been there yet you should go and check it out! Go for an afternoon of creative fun with your little one! They have a huge variety of affordable gifts you could have your little ones paint for grand parents or teacher gifts. They also do parties if you have a birthday or special occasion. Check out their website too as they have monthly events!!! They also have the rights to a lot of Disney characters!

We picked up a friend of Sierras from school for a fantastic play date day! Here is how we spent our day at their grand opening (I forgot my camera...thank goodness for cell phone cameras):

We painted of course!!!

Got fake tattoos

Faces painted

Got Balloon mermaids

They did a great job at their grand opening and I would recommend them as a great place to go!

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