Monday, May 2, 2011

April nature Connections...and some out door road trip fun

We have been on the road since April 19th and have been having a blast! I'd like to share some of our out door moments for Aprils Nature Connections
We have been

walking the Vegas Strip

touring Hoover Dam

enjoying a windy day at Lake Mead
discovering cactus

getting our kicks on route 66

spending evenings by the campfire

looking for lizards

splashing in streams


hoping that no trolls live under this bridge

climbing trees

going for hikes

exploring ruins

feeding giraffes

observing tigers

petting snakes
more hiking

learning about pictographs

visiting ancient ruins

finding big black bugs

and I meant big!

watching butterflies

climbing and sliding on rocks

more splashing

finding wood bug friends

always bird watching

splashing mom

riding natural rock water slides

getting up close with cacti

tree climbing in scenic country

and just being out there in nature

We have had an amazing 2 weeks so far...oh what else is in store?
Find out more and see where all these were taken? Visit my other blog Operationexplorations and follow along!

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