Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ending 2010 with magical Memories

We spent a Magical week at Disneyland and California adventure! Below Daddy and Aayla talking with grammy Sue as we await the opening of Disney on our first morning and then next as we are entering through the castle to fantasy land. This is one photo I wish I was in. We didn't manage to get one photo of all 5 of us :( Also I should mention this post is a wee bit long as sorting through 1600 pictures was hard!

How do you spend a week in Disneyland??? Easy with preschoolers! It was such an amazing trip allowing them the time and freedom to go on their favourite rides as many times as they wanted each day. No rush and hustle and bustle to get something done or get somewhere...just a slow pace, slowed down even more by the busy holiday lines, but that didn't matter!

We went where they wanted...we rode Dumbo,
the teacups

and the carousel at Disney
and the Grouchy lady bugs,

Monster Inc and Toy Story
and King Tritons Carousel at California Adventure more then a dozen times each I am sure.
And even in the rain we had a blast!!! You can't help but smile when in the middle of disney after some rain with so much going on, how simple pleasures are still the best! Like jumping in mud puddles
and shadow dancing
Sometimes the we forget to enjoy the simple things in life...but our children easily remind us and I thank them for that. And then after the rain...all the characters come out...here are a couple that we only saw this one day :) We saw so many characters though it was such fun!!!
We sailed the sea to treasure island...here Sierra says, "Arrggg there mayte!"
and here Sierra shows grammy the wonderful "treasure" she found on treasure island...a rusty old nut and bolt...and yes, we brought it home :)
We visited with Mickey Mouse and Mini Mouse and Sierra had a blast on the go go gadget coaster. Aayla wanted to go on it to so we gave it a try and I thought we would both have heart attacks. Thankfully the ride was only about a minute long because Aayla literally almost jumped out of the car. She screamed and squiggled and wriggled so much and was in such a panic it was HORRIBLE to see and hear her. Yet when we stopped. she wanted to go again...but alas, mommy said NO!!! We went to visit Minnies house again and did her dishes, had some cookies and baked a cake. This picture of Aayla below is one she requested. She had so much fun in Minnies house that she pulled me over, pointed to the camera and wanted her picture taken :)
In front of Mickeys house
With Pooh and Eeore
We participated in the Royal Coronation ceremony, and Story time almost daily with all the princesses

This Ariel was truely magical and made all Sierras dreams come true. She took the time to make sure Sierra was ready to move on, ignoring the line up growing behind us. Sierra got to dance with Ariel, pinky swear to always be best friends and of course hugs! It was truely special to watch Ariel understand how important she was in Sierras eyes. Even when we tried to get Sierra to move on because a line was building...Ariel told us no, Sierra could have as much time as she wanted. Something Sierra will remember forever I am sure...she is now best friends with Ariel. We had to watch the parade about 3 times in hopes of catching a glimpse of Ariel and she danced away with Eric.

We even ran into an old friend. Karey not only taught Sierra dance but she also taught Meadow when Meadow was a little girl too. In the great big scheme of things it really is such a small world!

We had a character breakfast which was great fun! Expensive for breakfast but worth every penny! The characters all walk around and come see you at your tables, stay for awhile for photos and interaction...such a treat!

We also had lunch at Ariels Grotto in California adventure. To be honest I preferred the breakfast. There were characters and they stayed around longer. The girls had a lot of fun and where so excited though to have each princess pop by the table. Sierra was very disappointed that she only got to see Ariel on the way into the grotto briefly and she didn`t get to come and see her at the table! They are best friends afterall :)

Despite all the fun, there was still time for a tantrum or two...Aayla might not be able to talk but she can sure howl!
and we brought in 2011 having a blast even though it was cool, even though it rained, thankful for an amazing trip, full of adventures and magical memories that will last a lifetime.

WELCOME 2011!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year!

    It looks like a great trip. :)


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