Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day

Top of the Morning to you all!

In the spirit of St Patrick's Day we woke up and made our Leprechaun hats. This pattern is one I made up for use in my daycare many many years ago. The pattern was made for 3-5 year olds; as you can see it is a bit big on Sierra's head. It works at full size, but you could shrink it down a bit if you wanted too.

Sierra enjoyed painting her hat

Aayla wanted to jump in the painting fun too even though she wasn't feeling well. She's not one to be left out! You can tell by the droop to her eyes though that she is really under the weather! Aayla started out with brushes

but soon gave up for use of her hands.

She managed to cover most of her hat and even allowed me to take one picture of her wearing it.
I obviously helped her make her band and shamrock, and then forgot to add her ears...oooopss!

Crafty Crow posted this idea that would be fun to make to go a long with my Leprechaun Hats for those of you with older children. It originally came fom No Time for Flashcards which I was just browsing through and it has lots of great ideas! So I am going sign off and have good look throuh it. Enjoy your day!

Oh Yeah here are my patterns: blogger wouldn't upload my scanned images so I had to take a photo of them, but you get the general idea :)

1 comment:

  1. This hat is sooo cute! Love it! I love the painted paper. Thank you for sharing it!


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