Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1st Annual Nature Scavenger Hunt for Families comes to a close

It's hard to believe that we are at the end of 9 weeks for our 1st Annual Nature Scavenger Hunt for Families. The 8th and 9th week was a combo week to find natural items for all the letters in the alphabet. Here are my 26 letters...I had to be a bit creative on a couple of the letters :)

The only two actual letter shapes we found were both made of wood. One was an A and the other a Y. Apparently after seeing some of the participants letters they found in nature I need to think a little more creatively as they did an amazing job at finding letters in nature!
We had a lot of fun with these ABC pictures and all of the week's challenges. The summer has flown by so fast and I can barely believe we are at the end of our 9 weeks. 

I thank everyone who participated in this scavenger hunt for their understanding as we worked out the kinks of this first annual event and I hope to see some of you back again next year! If you would like to join next year feel free to sign up HERE and next Spring you'll receive a notice about when the challenge begins. Please make sure to sign up for notifications. Until then, may you all enjoy your time exploring the wonderful world around us.

Feel free to follow along here on the blog too or my blog's facebook page HERE for more natural and creative fun throughout the year. During the summer we tend to be out and about exploring a lot and then focus on more crafts etc during the winter months. i look forward to having you follow along.