Sunday, November 25, 2012

first snow and breakfast with Santa

Yesterday we had our first snowfall and it took the girls about 3 seconds to get dressed and outside!
Today we woke up to a little bit more snow and even I will admit that looking out the window from our bed this morning the flakes were coming down so big and light and fluffy that it actually was kind of pretty (that coming from someone who hates snow)!

We got dressed quickly today though because we had a surprise for the girls...we were off to Breakfast with Santa!

My Dad, Gramma Bev, Daddy, Aayla, Sissy Meadow, Sierra and
 Andrew enjoying their  pancakes and sausage breakfast
After our breakfast there was another room full of activities to do. The girls bounced on bouncy castle, decorated cookies, ate cotton candy, won prizes for playing games and overall had too much fun!
Andrew helping Sierra get the icings

Sierra so pleased 
 Note the photo below...Sierra made her cookies hair like her grampys...with only hair on the sides...bahahahaaaaa!

 Then we headed home...the girls all collected some things from outside to make mommy a surprise gift with sissy Meadow and Aayla made this sweet little snowman on the wheel well of the trailer.

Our neighbours were playing outside and Aayla went over to play. They hooked up their dogs and took the girls for a little ride.
Josh with Nicki and Sadie

Josh and Aayla getting ready to roll

and they are off...

Kodey with a big snowball

Kodey's turn

Oh no the doggie are tired!
 All and all a fun first experience with our Ontario snow...yes I know...the worst is yet to come!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pumpkin time and Halloween fun

We went to Rounds Ranch pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins. It was a bit pricey but there was lots to do and the girls had a lot of fun.

 First we visited their petting zoo

no Meadow no pet bunnies!!!

Wait...come back....

 Then it was time to burn off some steam and roll down the hill
 Then it was off to the corn maze

 and you can't forget about the tire these ones that look like horses
 The large playground was a hit
 But their favourite activity was probably the big bouncy bales

 Then it was time to head to the pumpkin patch

 After we all had our pumpkins we got a ride in this barrel train

Aayla making her paintchip candy corn cards for her friends for Halloween.

Sierra signing all 23 of her cards
 Then it was time to carve the pumpkins

 Here are the marshmallow treats we made for the Halloween bakesale at school
Trick or treating time!
Aayla the busy bee and Sierra the Eagle

Fly eagle fly

Lets go trick or treating already!

Happy Halloween!