Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Finds and First Snow

Remember these?
This is a reproduction of the one I remember as a child as it was made in 1988. We picked this up yesterday just in time for Friday finds :) It's been a busy week so we haven't had much time to thrift :( but I can't wait to get some peanuts and give it a try. It's soaking in the sink to remove all the bits of peanuts still on it. We will be sure to post how our peanut butter turns out after we give it a try.

As well yesterday we got our first snow of the season. Here in the Vancouver this is strange although we have had our fair share the past few years. I love the snow, I just don't like the cold that comes along with it, but pretty, big, falling flakes are lots of fun and of course so is making snowangels and building snowmen.

OOppps...Sierra tried to put her snowball on for the head all by herself and it dropped on her and went down her jacket...that was the end of her fun... she wanted to go in and get off all the "cold, itchy, scratchy stuff off"!
Our snowman, sporting a camouflage of leaves, with eyes and mouth of Black Eyed Susan Seeds and a Lavender stalk for his nose as we were ill prepared for the proper snowman making rocks and carrot nose :) Hope you are having fun in the snow!

Monday, November 15, 2010

More Fall Crafts

This past week week we spent a bit of time decorating for this fall season before Christmas is in full swing upon how it creeps up oh so fast! Fall is my favourite season. (But Ohhhhh how I love the Christmas holidays and sooo look forward to being able to enjoy the holiday season this year)

I love the colours as all the leaves magically change to their shades or yellows, oranges and reds. It is the one thing I miss living here on the West coast. Our falls are not like they used to be on the East coast...but they are beautiful here too in a different way and definitely a lot more GREEN:)

To bring some of the fall colours inside we made this banner: (the pumpkin, spider and pressed leaves the girls made at daycare)

We took our inspiration from this tutorial by MayaMade but we strung fall coloured pompoms and added egg carton acorns which in my head sounded like a great idea but not quite so thrilled with how they turned out. The girls both had lots of fun painting our newspaper leaves :)

And our finished project looks pretty good, even despite our egg carton acorns looking more like miniature houses! I would LOVE to make some of these felted acorns in the future but for right now I was happy to get our banner made and up.

Also this week we used up some play dough which was on it's last life and they had a fantastic time creating leaf creatures with play dough, cookie cutters, googly eyes, shells, rocks, seaglass and even some glass decorative blobs. They had sooo much fun with this, it kept them busy for close to an hour!
Happy fall everyone!

Friday finds are back...even if late

We have just returned from a weekend on the island visiting daddy as he is working there until Christmas. It was a rainy weekend, and the house he is renting has a tenant downstairs. We discovered that the pitter patter of our childrens feet sound more like elephants stomping then butterflies fluttering so we tried to stay out as much as possible...Thus leaving me lots of time to hit the thrift stores and craft fairs.

Treasures from the first thrifting trip...

Do you remember this magnetic pin the tail on the donkey and the magnetic castle set?

The poor boy is missing his arms but other then that it is all in amazing shape. And who could resist these wonderful vintage Christmas ornaments. Some were made in West Germany and the others in Poland. Our Christmas colours are red and gold but I have an idea for some of these beauties.

And on the next day these...
Even at $6.50 (for the bag) these Ostheimer's were a steal. The Pied Piper has had his foot repaired but that doesn't bother me. He will just be used for story time anyway. The ducks/geese and the rooster will find there way into the ever growing stash of wooden goodies from shops like
and many more wonderful shops on Etsy. I often see these Ostheimer toys on blogs and think they are so amazing. I was ecstatic to find them in a thrift store but in all honesty, the handmade ones are much more amazing!!!

We went to a few craft fairs as well and got a couple small items to start our Christmas gift giving. We'll be buying handmade or making most of our gifts this about you? Both girls got their faces painted by Sparkles the clown but could I get a decent picture of both of way...
Since we had little sunshine during this trip we also checked out a new indoor playground and both girls had a blast! Here Aayla is plowing her way through the pillars.

Sierra learning to slide down the firemans pole as we wait for the ferry to go home. Bye Bye daddy, see you next Friday!